The Bridgetown Community Resource Centre invites all community members to enter our,
2025 Calendar Photo Competition
PLEASE read all information and Terms and Conditions before entering
WHAT TO ENTER: All photographs of Bridgetown buildings, places, sites, scenery, events and people
HOW TO ENTER: Submit a maximum of 4 entries in digital format (at least 300dpi) to the Bridgetown CRC
email to admin@bridgetowncrc.net.au or bring in on a USB before the closing date
Each submission will require the following information
Full name
Phone number
Email address
Photograph name
Subject of photograph
Location of photograph
Date photograph was taken
To ensure eligibility all entries must follow the following requirements,
Images must be submitted to competition by Aug 16 2024
Must be in
File name should be ‘yourname_name of image_2025calendar.jpg”
Photo must have been taken in the last 24 months
At least 300dpi (if you do not know then please send in the largest format you have and we will check) Most recent smart phone images are good enough.
Must have been taken by the entrant
If you choose to include people in your submission, you must obtain written and signed releases from the individuals depicted, and provide copies to the Bridgetown CRC
Entrants must not submit images that involve
the wilful harassment of wildlife
damage to the environment
putting any individual or animal in danger
infringing on the rights of any other photographer or person
Images will be judged on the guidelines above and also on their technical excellence, composition, overall impact and artistic merit.
The 13 most popular photos as determined by members of the local community and CRC staff between August 20 and September 1 will be featured in the 2025 Calendar. No single Photographer will be permitted to have more than 2 photos featured
Bridgetown CRC Inc. shall determine the prize winners, at its sole and absolute discretion and no communication will be entered into.
All entrants featured in the calendar will receive a complimentary copy of the calendar.
1st Prize – Community Vouchers to the value of $150
2nd Prize – Community Vouchers to the value of $85
3rd Prize – Community Vouchers to the value of $65
You will retain all rights to any photograph you submit -- including ownership if applicable. You only grant the Bridgetown CRC rights to your photograph if you are selected for the calendar at which time you will be contacted to sign a release for the following.
As a winner, you grant the Bridgetown CRC Inc. a royalty-free, nonexclusive right to:
Use the photograph in the 2025 Bridgetown CRC Calendar.
Use the photograph to promote future photo calendar competitions.
Use the photos on our Bridgetown CRC website.
Use the photos in our newsletters.
Keep the files provided, and to archive the images so that your photos can be used for these purposes.
Display a print of the selected works within the CRC for the Duration of the Calendar Year.
As conditions of this permission, The Bridgetown CRC Inc. shall credit all photographs with the photographers’ name.
Key Dates:
1 July, Entries Open
31 August, Entries Close
5 September to 12 September, Voting in the CRC
25 September, Winners Announced and pre-ordering available